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10 Free Things To Do At The San Antonio Rodeo (Kid-Approved!)

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I was blessed with an opinionated daughter. But not in the “know-it-all” kind of way—more like a straight-shooting, no-fluff, tell-it-like-it-is kind of way. If you ask for her opinion, expect brutal honesty. (Which means she’s not the right person to ask, “Do you like my new outfit?” if you’re looking for a confidence boost.)

Her matter-of-fact personality and near-photographic memory make her the ultimate event critic. She notices everything—things I miss, things I forget, and things I never would have thought to care about.

So, in the first of what I’m sure will be many opinionated travel recaps, here are the top 10 free things to do at the San Antonio Rodeo—according to a 9-year-old. And hey, if you’re hoping to enjoy the rodeo without the crowds, don’t miss our tips here!

10. Hanging Out with Mom (Cherish It While It Lasts)

Sigh. I know this won’t always make the list, so I’m soaking it in while I can!

But she has a point—the San Antonio Rodeo is a great family activity, especially if you follow my crowd-avoidance strategy (check out my previous post on how to visit the rodeo without the crowds!). It’s something unique, seasonal, and different from our usual outings in San Antonio.

That said, I’m sure there are times of day or certain events where the family-friendliness level takes a dip, so always do your own research!

📢 Elliana’s Review:
“I got to spend time with mom during the week. And she took off work to be there.”

9. Climbing on the Tractors

Elliana isn’t particularly into tractors, so this landed toward the bottom of her list. But for tractor-obsessed kiddos, getting to climb on real Caterpillar tractors is a dream!

For her, the best part was taking photos to send to her Opa, who worked at Caterpillar for 50 years, so we had to include it on our list of free things to do at the San Antonio Rodeo.

📢 Elliana’s Review:
“It was cool because Opa worked for Caterpillar and it was fun to climb on the tractors.”

8. Interactive Displays (Including a Digital Dairy Farm? Yes, Please.)

The area outside the expo hall features a variety of interactive educational exhibits—and to my daughter, these were gold.

Her favorite? A trailer dedicated to dairy farming, featuring a digital game where you design your own dairy farm. We couldn’t pass by without stopping… every. single. time.

Another highlight? A life-size cow statue you can actually milk. Because obviously, that needed to happen.

📢 Elliana’s Review:
“I got to have the experience of actually milking a cow! So cool!”

7. Barrel Racing (15 Seconds of Pure Excitement)

Since both of us have a hard time watching certain rodeo events (anything that feels even slightly unfair to animals), we haven’t attended many. But one event we both love? Barrel Racing.

Watching horse and rider move as one at high speed, twisting through the arena with pure precision—it’s exhilarating. It’s inspiring. And it’s the one rodeo event we always make time for.

📢 Elliana’s Review:
“It’s exciting to see the horses run so fast!”

6. Checking Out the Animals (Especially Pigs!)

One of the strongest traits my daughter inherited from me? A deep love for animals.

At the swine barn, she was in her happy place—walking past rows and rows of show pigs, watching them burrow into fresh bedding, stick their snouts out at passersby, and strut their stuff.

She also got a kick out of watching the show competitors guide their pigs to the arena using nothing more than a pig whip (yes, that’s the official term—but no, it’s not used to hurt them, just guide them).

📢 Elliana’s Review:
“They were fun to see because they are my favorite animal. I liked when they came to the front of the fence and looked at us. Some even tried to stick their snout out and sniff us!”

5. Petting the Horses

Visiting the different breeds of horses at the San Antonio Rodeo was very cool.

The main entrance gate takes you right past the warm-up arena, where stalls are lined with beautiful horses.

And if you know us, you know we couldn’t just walk past without stopping to greet every single one. Some ignored us (fair—they probably get tired of humans constantly trying to pet them), but others completely stole our hearts.

Neither of us grew up around horses, but we’re pretty sure we were cowgirls in a past life. (See also: my 2024 resolution to take horseback riding lessons! 🐎)

📢 Elliana’s Review:
“I liked petting the horses because they were soft and horses are my second favorite animal. I don’t normally get to be so close to horses. That was cool.”

4. The Petting Farm

The Petting Farm at the San Antonio rodeo was a really cool experience with lots of different animals.

Inside the expo hall, the petting zoo is full of eager animals waiting for attention. Goats, sheep, deer… and even a baby kangaroo cozied up in a pouch.

It’s like walking into a furry hug. And if your kids are like Elliana, getting them to walk away from the furry hug of all those animals may be a challenge…

📢 Elliana’s Review:
“There was a baby kangaroo and it was so soft!! All of the other animals were nice and let me pet them. I would have stayed there with all of the animals all day if I could.”

3. Buckaroo Farms by H-E-B (Including Baby Chicks Hatching!)

Watching baby chicks hatch at the rodeo was a neat experience!

This interactive farm exhibit features cows, pigs, mini horses, and chickens—but the star of the show?

🐣 Baby chicks hatching—LIVE.

Watching a chick break through its shell and take its first wobbly steps was a top-tier moment for Elliana. (And let’s be real, for me too.)

📢 Elliana’s Review:
“You got to see the chicks hatching!! I was worried because some of the baby chicks looked like they were dead…but then they would jump up and start running! It was also cool to pet the other animals.”

2. The Candy Maze (Technically Free… But Is It Really?)

The candy maze at the San Antonio rodeo may be pricey, but it was fun to see all of that colorful candy!

At first, this didn’t make her list at all. Which shocked me because when she first heard we were going to the rodeo, the Candy Maze was the first thing she mentioned.

But her reasoning was fair: it’s not free.

Technically, you can walk through without spending a dime. But whether or not your kid can resist grabbing a basket and filling it to the brim with overpriced sugar? That’s the real question.

📢 Elliana’s Review:
“You got to get all types of candy (except Mexican candy…)! There were new types of candy, like strawberry Sour Patch Kids, that I’ve never tried.”

📢 Pro Tip:
The candy bins are priced per half-pound (listed at the entrance). But pre-packaged candies have their own price tags—easy to miss until you get to checkout. Consider yourself warned.

1. Pig Races (The Undisputed Winner)

Pig racing at the San Antonio Rodeo was our favorite event!

According to Elliana, the best part of the San Antonio Rodeo isn’t the animals, the candy, or the rides. It’s…

🐷 The Pig Races. 🏁

Picture this: Four piglets, a tiny racetrack, and an Oreo cookie at the finish line. It’s quick, hilarious, and chaotic. Did I mention that each pig has a hilariously appropriate name like Kevin Bacon, Brad Pigg, or Kim Kardashi-ham? Because obviously, they do.

Each pig has a designated cheerleader from the audience, and if your pig wins? You get a pack of Oreos and a pig snout.

Oh, and the highlight? A baby piglet named Swifty swimming across an 8-foot pool. (Yes, really.)

📢 Elliana’s Review:
“Pigs are my favorite animal and they were super cute! It was exciting to see because they ran really fast for an Oreo. After the pig racing, I got to hold a baby piglet named Honey Boo-Boo and take a picture. She was SO cute!“**

**Taking a picture with the piglet was not free…but I gave in only because pigs are her favorite animal and honestly, where else would she get to hold a 6-week old piglet!

Hope You Enjoyed Our List of Free Things to Do at the San Antonio Rodeo!

Thanks for reading! I hope this gives you some fun, free things to do at the San Antonio Rodeo—kid-approved and chaos-free.

And whether you’re here for the animals, the candy, or the pig races—remember, it’s all about making memories (even if those memories include overpriced sugar and squealing pigs running for cookies)—so be sure to find joy in the journey.

Note: We do realize that technically, the rodeo isn’t free—there’s an admission fee, and possibly parking costs, too. But if it fits within your budget to buy a ticket for the fairgrounds during the day, there’s actually a ton of free things to do at the San Antonio Rodeo without purchasing a separate (and more expensive) rodeo event ticket.

In our case, we attended as part of a field trip—which, honestly, is probably the cheapest way to go! My daughter’s ticket was completely free, and as a chaperone, I scored a special $8 ticket.

Parking, though? That’s another story. Even as a chaperone who followed all the parking instructions to the letter, I still got hit with an expensive parking fee. So plan accordingly! Carpool, take advantage of any available shuttles, or arrive early and be ready to walk!

P.S. – The Perfect Rodeo Shirt for Your Family Outing!

If you’re looking for the perfect Mommy & Me or family-matching rodeo shirt, I’ve got you covered! 🤠✨

I designed a custom rodeo tee that’s stylish, fun, and totally personalized to whatever rodeo you’re attending. Just let me know which city you want to feature, and I’ll hook you up with a one-of-a-kind shirt for your next rodeo adventure!

👕 Check it out here & get yours before the next big event!

Petting baby chicks at the Buckaroo Farms exhibit sponsored by H-E-B at the San Antonio Rodeo.

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